Thursday, April 9, 2009

So, that was awkward.

I can't say I've much experienced the pain and longevity of dating. One of the perks of getting married young. So I'm in the clear, right? Wrong. Turns out when you have a baby, there's a whole new cast of characters to add to the show. Mom friends.

It's actually quite harder than one would imagine to make new friends. I mean really, we've been doing it since preschool. But what if you don't agree on breastfeeding, or baby wearing, or letting your baby cry, or when to feed solids, or one of the many, and I mean many, other controversial topics that come up when you become a parent. I have to say it's taken me a while to get here. Lots of blind dates. But I finally feel like I am developing a pretty good crew. And it feels really really good. Better than I thought it would. Because really when it comes to being a mom, you just need someone who understands, to tell you you're not totally insane.

After a play date with my new mommy friends that included an afternoon outside and sipping glasses of prosecco, I have to say that the pain and awkwardness of dating was definitely, and finally, worth it.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Amen! I feel the same way - it took so long to find other parents that I felt comfortable with (ideologically), let alone actually liked. I'm so glad you have a crew!

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