So now we had all the diapers we needed, and all the supplies, and yet I couldn't do it. I was nervous they'd leak, or that we wouldn't wash them right, even though we were old hats. I've slowly been using them daily. And then there was the day that I realized babyLeo hadn't pooped in a while, and started to feel nervous about the prospect of him pooping in a cloth diaper. Well, sure enough his butt exploded in the diaper, and the diaper held! The last cloth diaper hurdle? Overnights.
BabyLeo sleeps pretty well at night (of course now that I've uttered it aloud, he'll start a sleep strike) and so I was nervous that the cloth diaper would feel too damp after 12 hours, or that it would leak, or be too bulky for him to sleep comfortably. Last night, we came to a crossroads. One disposable diaper left, and one cloth diaper clean. Which to do, which to do. And we went with the cloth. You know what?! He slept his normal 12 hours, woke up dry and happy. So that's it. We're all in. And it feels pretty awesome that I'm never going to buy a disposable diaper again.
Next up: making my own baby food.
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