But then my cloth diaper fairy sent me two GM's. First of all, my jaw hit the floor with shock. *tips hat to darling diaper friend* Now, onto the facts. One thing they fail to mention on their site is that putting your baby in one of these diapers is like wrapping their asses in teddy bear skin. This is pretty much the Cadillac of fitted cloth diapers. I had no idea that diapers could feel this way, or that I could feel this way about a diaper. The material is called Bamboo Velor. Did you just choke on your coffee? I almost did. Wait, so I'm supposed to let my kid pee and poop in this thing? And I have to cover it with a diaper cover?? If I had the money to really indulge my obsession, cloth diapering would no longer be a cost saving endeavor . It would be my mommy crack. I'd order a diaper a day. They are soft, fit well, and have yet to leak. note: these GM diapers do require the ProRaps I mentioned in my earlier review, despite Leo being pictured sans diaper cover!
I suppose the only complaint I could have, if I tried really, really hard, is the bulk. They are definitely, only a bit, bulkier than the KPs. I attribute this to the difference in fabric/material. Since babyL is already ridiculously large, I don't much notice the bulk. And they also take a bit longer to dry. I'm anxious to get something set up so I can dry outdoors more.
Until next time, when I have something more to say about this obsession of mine.
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