There has to be one thing, that as a mom, makes you cringe. For me, it's PlayDoh. In theory it's fantastic. And you always think that you can keep it under control, and not mix the colors and that it won't totally annoy you to see the rainbow of colors under your finger nails for practically a week. But that's just not ever going to happen.
PlayDoh will be messy. The colors will get mixed and you will be vacuuming tiny fallen PlayDoh soldiers for days.
Well, yesterday, Jack asked me so sweetly if I would play PlayDoh with him. How could I say no? I have a hard time with it, saying no that is, especially now that Leo is here and my time feels so divided and precious for each child. So, I let him get it out. I dumped out the little mounds of doughy goodness and let him go to town. I didn't even remind him once to keep the colors separate. I figure I better get used to multicolored balls now, so that when Leo is tossed into the mix, it's not so heartbreaking for me, or Jack. In fact, with the OCD that runs in this family, it's a wonder Jack even wants to mix the colors.
I guess I just felt good that I let go a little. I think it's important to remember that things like this are not a big deal. It's only PlayDoh!
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