One of things I love most about my husband is that he totally and completely shares my passion for birth. Most times, when he hears of a c-section, he will relay back to me that it seemed unnecessary, too many interventions, more support was needed, etc. I'm so impressed that he is able to think this way. And to not cower to doctors and allow them to scare him.
Our first birth experience, with Jack, was really dramatically different from Leo's birth. Chris and I were both young and endured throughout my entire labor and delivery, jokes about how we looked like children, and how it was so funny to see two children have a baby. You can't understand how demoralizing this can be while in the process of birth. But it was Chris, with the help of our doula, that made sure none of that noise made it into my space. Quiet whispers, soaking wet in the shower with me, only allowing me to hear over and over how much I was loved and how proud he was.
For how strong I am, and how passionate I am in regards to birth, when it is me in that room, I look to him. I read his face for reactions to what doctor's or midwives or nurses say. I trust him to take care of me, to speak for me, to allow me to totally melt into my own rhythm and not worry about the outside world.
It's actually quite sad, how many fathers I see on those pathetic shows like A Baby Story, who wilt the moment the doctor utters that the woman is not following their schedule. Not laboring fast enough, dilating efficiently, and they just sit there. Nod their heads. And a quiet, timid, this is what's best hunny, I guess, if the doctor says so.
Perhaps I should send Chris out into the world to teach other fathers.
I have two pictures that might be my favorites of Chris in regards to the births of our sons. One is from Jack's birth. I am laying on the table on my back, and Jack is crowning. Chris is up by my head with the biggest smile I have ever seen. He says he was laughing because he was so in awe of me, my abilities, and that he was there to witness it. The other picture is after Leo was born, the moment I scooped him up into my arms. Chris has his arms wrapped around the both of us, tears in his eyes. A birth, he says, more beautiful and perfect than he ever could have imagined. Now who would want to miss out on that??
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