If anyone is curious as to where I've been, let me tell you.
My husband has rejoined the ranks of the working man. Jack wasted no time in telling me that it was strange that Daddy was not there to make him lunch after school, or around in the morning to wipe his ass. I kid you not. I endured a good 20 minute tantrum concerning the fact that it seemed unacceptable that Jack was stuck with me, wiping his ass. May I please add this to the list of shining moments in parenthood?
But in all seriousness, Chris is done with school. He finished on June 3, with amazing grades, and glowing reviews from all his teachers. Unfortunately, with a poor track record, I had little faith in Chris' ability to find a job, which is admittedly sad. One day I stumbled upon a piece of paper, 8x11, that had been folded into a square in his pocket. It was filled with the names of electrical companies. When I inquired about the piece of paper, he said he was carrying it around to remind himself of all the places he had sent his resume/called/attempted to contact. Holy shit, was my husband actually doing all this without any nagging? As it turns out, one of my internet friends happens to have a dad who owns an electrical supply warehouse down on the cape. Long story short, it connected Chris to a job. And we don't even care that he has to work practically in RI.
And just when we thought things could not get any better, a solar company that Chris sent his resume to called him for an interview. The results of said interview, which by the way went better than Chris could have dreamed, are still pending.
This puts me back at full time mom of two. Something I actually hadn't had to do on my own since Leo was born. Wow, it's hard. On my list of things to survive motherhood of two is a coffee maker.
As exciting as all this is, it's hard to make the emotional switch from "constant worry, anxiety and fear" to "cautiously optimistic and, dare I say, happy" I looked at Chris the other day and just said "wow, you're an electrician, I mean, forever" it only took him 25 years to discover something that he likes to do that requires little to no nagging from anyone.
And if not here, then where? I need to be selfish. And say that I feel I've gotten lost in the shuffle a bit. Yes, Chris made a tremendous come-back from the shit storm that was UPS, but I suppose I wish more credit was noted for my constant support, stand by your man shit. Anyone who knows Chris knows that he's pretty much the sweetest, kindest guy you'll ever come across, but to get him to do almost anything, is sometimes comparable to pulling teeth out one's own head.
Alas, we're at the finish line, or I suppose the starting line. Now that Chris is more or less situated in his own profession, I hope it can be time for me to focus more on my own professional life.
And hey, it's not so bad that my husband comes home all sexy and dirty like some big strong construction dude, right?? You better watch out, because when we have our own house, we are going to have killer lighting, perfect for every mood.
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