Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Is your life a big square of letters?

You know those word searches you get on your kid's menu at restaurants? It's a big square with a bunch of letters and in the midst of it you are supposed to find whatever random words they want you to, like pizza, or meatball. Well, yesterday my life felt like a giant, and very messy, square of letters.

My mom (aka Nana) had surgery yesterday, and for the two or so days leading up to it I was a mess of nerves. I wasn't sleeping at night, feeling really anxious and wound up during the day. Long story short, she was a single mom, and despite what I might say about my childhood I have a ridiculously close relationship with her. She's basically never allowed to leave me, ever. And over the past couple of years she has had a few bumps on her road of perfect health. More than she deserves and more than I can stomach. So needless to say, I was nervous. Tuesday was not a good day. I finally motivated myself to get the kids out (since Leo was refusing to nap anyway) and go for a walk to Medford Sq. I thought I'd go see if I could find a sun hat for Leo, stop at the library and maybe pick up an iced coffee on my way back home. I stopped at CVS first because in my haste, I forgot any water for Jack and myself. And breast pads. My debit card was a no go (insufficient funds), try the credit card, that didn't work. So humiliating. Put the stuff back and skulk away. There goes my iced coffee...

Next was the library. So pleasant. A few kids even popped in and Jack was lulled by a sweet irish mom reading to her little boy, Cormie (his name is Cormack but he likes to be called Cormie, he told us sweetly). And after Jack carefully picked out the books he wanted and Leo nursed, we went to check them out. Only Chris had had the videos we borrowed from the library in his car for so long, saying he would just drop them off on the way back from school, that the late fine was tremendous. So big that we are blocked from borrowing until it's paid. Which is hard to do when you have no money. Jack was such a trooper as we again had to quietly escape. I stepped oustide and felt like a total mess. Like I couldn't focus on anything, like, say, walking.

We finally make it back home and Jack asks in the most sweetest of ways, could I please, PLEASE, cut up his cantaloupe. Of course! And then I pick it up, and it's hard as a rock. Nothing could go right. And I just thought to myself, I will go through a day of terror as long as the only thing that goes right is mom's surgery.

And it did! Dr. Flesh (I kid you not) called at around 4pm to say the surgery went smoothly and she was waking up. A few hours later my amazing mother in law came to deliver cookies and sit on our couch so we could visit Nana at the Brigham. We watched the celtics game with her and then dragged ourselves home.

What a day. Cheers to Nana.

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